
Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Last night I finished a page inspired by Dina Wakely's Life Book lesson, and I had so much fun! 

The idea was to get your troubles out onto the page, so you can let go of them.  It will definitely come in handy for that, but since last night I wasn't feeling troubled, I just went with the mood I was in, and ended up with this...

I'm working in a Kraft paper section of my Book of  Days right now, and I'm loving the slightly different twist it puts on my pages.  The main thing used on this page is stencils and masks.  The word dream and the rainbow are store-bought, and the woman is a mask I made by gluing a magazine image onto cardstock and cutting it out.  I won't go into the whole process (since that would giveaway class secrets), but I really had fun with this page!

For more about the ultra-talented Dina Wakely, you can visit her blog here.
For more about Life Book, click here.

Tomorrow is question and answer day.  I've already got a few questions to answer, but if you have any more, feel free to leave them in the comments, and I will answer them in tomorrow's post!

Thank you so much for visiting and for your comments!  It makes my day to know you were here!  Have a great Thursday my friends!


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