
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Doodly Affirmations and Messages from My Muse...

I can't believe it's been a whole week since I blogged - ack!  Where does the time go?  I'm trying to get my swirly life under control here, and little by little it's working, but I'm not quite there yet!

I do have a Life Book update for you though!  I continue to LOVE this workshop!  I can't believe how much I am learning and broadening my horizons!  Here are my pages for the last two lessons...

#1: Doodly Affirmations with Dawn Devries-Sokol:

 This one was not all that different from my usual art journaling process, 
but I had a ton of fun with it! 

#2:  Messages from Your Muse with Shiloh McCloud...

 This two-page spread was created after a meditation where you meet your inner creative spirit (as an actual person), discover the message she has for you and see your personal symbols.  It was a very cool process, and so much fun to create these pages! 

I also want to let you know that Inspiration Everywhere is now on Facebook - finally, eh?  So, if you want to like me over there, then you will get notified when new posts go up, and possibly other things too!  Click here to go to my Facebook page!

I am continuing to try to get back to blogging daily, so wish me luck and I will see you here again soon!


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