
Saturday, May 11, 2013

Moonshine and Every Day In May - a great combo...

Hey everyone!  I've got a story to tell about synchronicity today!  It goes like this...

You may already know that I've gotten into sketching lately, after being inspired by Danny Gregory's sketchbooks.  Well, there is a group online called "Every Day Matters,"  which is named after one of Danny's books.  They are a big group of people who are also inspired by Danny; and they share their sketches and support one another online.  It's really fun!

Anyways, they have an annual challenge called "Every Day In May," where you sketch something every day in May.  There is a list of things you are supposed to sketch, but you don't have to stick to it unless you want to.  I really wanted to participate, but I knew it would be tight because of all the classes I'm taking right now.  Still I started on May 1st with the first prompt.....BUBBLES.

Here's what I came up with:
 I had a hard time with it; and I knew it was because I felt rushed.  If  you look closely at the eye you will see a lot of white out, and the hand gave me trouble too.  I couldn't relax, thinking about how much time it was taking. Moonshine, which is a class I've been super-excited about also started on May 1st. 

I decided to abandon the idea of sketching every day in May.  Moonshine was more important; so I started on that.  The first thing you get in Moonshine is a planner to print out and fill in each day.  Guess what is on that planner...

a little spot for a daily SKETCH!!!!  I mean really - is that synchronicity or what???

The idea behind this daily sketch is to notice things you encounter in your life - to slow down and feel the connectedness.  What a beautiful idea!  And it's labeled a "doodle,"  so there is no pressure to take tons of time, or make it perfect - yeayyy!!!

So I began, using the Every Day In May list when possible.  Here are my planner pages for so far in May, plus closeups of the sketches...

 May 1st...

EDM - Draw a favorite sound...
 (water soluble pencil)

May 2nd...

EDM: Draw something that brings you joy...
 (water soluble pencil and colored pencil)

May 3...

EDM: Draw your socks...
(colored pencil)

May 4... 

EDM: Draw a pine or fir tree...
(copic markers)

 May 5...

EDM: Draw a favorite scent...  
(water soluble pencil)

May 6...

Draw something you got for free...
 (Pitt pen and white sharpie)

May 7...

EDM: Draw a coffee pot (I chose clouds instead)

 May 8...

 EDM: Draw a lock...
(watercolor pencil and pitt pen)

May 9...

 EDM: Draw something creepy.  (chose a bug - altho I don't find them creepy; especially not ladybugs)
 (copic markers and pitt pen)

Which sketch is your favorite?

P.S.  Here is a link to the flickr group for Every Day in May, if you want to join in, or see what everyone else is doing!

P.S.S.  Much more to come about Moonshine - it's FANTASTIC!!!  I love it so much I decided to become an affiliate for the first time ever!  Click on the widget in the sidebar to find out more or to register!

Thanks so much for visiting my friends!  I really appreciate you!!!


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