
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Hey there everyone!  Thanks so much for the feedback on what types of classes you would like to see me offer.  Please feel free to keep the suggestions coming.  I'm getting some good ideas, and right now I'm shooting for the first of the year to have at least one class all set to go.  That may seem like a long way off, but it will go fast, and I want to make sure it will be fabulous and chock full of good learning and fun!

Anyways, I've got a new Art Journalista assignment to share with you today! It's all about grids, pattern and color.

Here's how it turned out.  I call it "Sweet Dreams and Light..."

I set myself a goal of using only images from the magazine I made the journal out of, and I did it.  It's fun to have limitations sometimes.  It gets you thinking harder...

The right side was one of the pages that I left in the original magazine when I made it into a journal. I loved the image so much I didn't change it.  Just added a title, a little doodling and a quote...

I hope your Wednesday is wonderful!  Thanks for visiting and I will see you again soon!


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