
Sunday, July 1, 2012

My 30 Day Journal is Finished...

I was up til 6:30 am this morning, putting the final touches on my 30-Day Challenge Journal!  I was having so much fun I lost track of time!  I still had pages left after I did all of the prompts, so I filled them in with random journaling, collage and misc. stuff!  Here are the final pages I haven't shared yet. They are in the order they appear in the book...

Here's the finalized cover.  I added the words "June 2012" to the doily, and stapled on a ribbon to help it close...

 Prompt #28
The prompt was to make a list of 10 prompts for future journals.  I decided instead to record the ideas I've gathered in my head for future journals.  They aren't really prompts but they are things I want to remember...

Pen and marker doodles on the back of a prompt page...

I shared the tribute to Michael page before, but here's how it looks in the book. I glued the photo part onto the end of the restaurant guest check...

and the back of that same page.  I used a piece of watercolor paper to test out some colors for a different journal, and it was too pretty to throw away, so I stuck a piece of it here...

I added some things to the left side of the hands/paws page...

Prompt #26
Record your day.  I did that on the left-hand page.  The right side with the kitten, is the other half of the guest check (that the Michael Tribute is on)...

I journaled some final thoughts in the empty places throughout the journal and numbered them (since they aren't on consecutive pages).  This starts on the backside of the kitten page...

Prompt #15
I will not be defined by...

Long story short on this one - I was looking at the trailer for the latest edition of Anthology Magazine, and was struck by the lyrics to the soundtrack, so I captured them here. Image is from an old thrifted photography book..

Here's another chunk of that same watercolor paper that I used earlier on the page with the robot...

another one of the journaling pages...

Prompt #29
Record some goals for July...

A quote from a local band called the "Minnesota Barking Ducks."  These words always make me smile...

and the inside back cover is a thank you to Janel for hosting this challenge!  It works out perfectly because prompt #30 is to say thank you to someone...

and that's it.  My journal is done and I'm just giddy about it!  Thanks soooo much for letting me share this little journey with you!

If you want to see the whole journal, click here to go to my flickr set.

Thanks for visiting and for your kind comments!  They mean so much to me!


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