
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Book of Days and Glue It Tuesday...

Book of Days Update...

One of the things I really love about the Book of Days program; is that it's more of a spiritual practice than a workshop.  Don't get me wrong - I love workshops (obviously cuz I take a million of them, lol); but with Book of Days - it's more like a community that is going through this expressive journaling thing together.  So, when Effy (the leader/instructor), creates her page - it's not so much that I want to make the same or even similar page, it's more like watching someone's thought process, and then going through a similar thought process, but coming up with your own answer.  Does that make sense?

So, this week I was thinking about all the different things going on in my life; being grateful and overwhelmed by choices at the same time.  Here's what I came up with...
The colorful background squares are bits of papers that I had leftover from other projects.  The images and words were just pulled randomly from my pile of journal fodder.  Individually, I didn't really know why I was pulling most of them, but together they capture my feelings perfectly.  

A note about where I am right now on my creative journey...

When I think about art that inspires me, alot of it has meaning that is not obvious; I love lyrics that are so personal, that they are only a peek into someone's soul, but you aren't sure exactly what they mean.  I love art that is layered and emotional; and makes you stand in front of it, tilt your head, and say to yourself - hmmm?  This is the kind of art that you may not totally "get" with your brain; but it speaks directly to your heart - know what I mean?

And yet I struggle with letting myself create art intuitively.  I have that part of my brain that says, "but no one will get that - you have to be more clear."  But really - do I?  The answer is a resounding NO!  I believe the best art comes from not thinking at all, but just following your heart.  I am making it a goal to remind myself of that daily; and encourage you to do the same.

A fun new discovery...

I am so excited to discover that Aimee over at Artsyville, has started a new weekly series called "Glue It Tuesday,"  in which she invites us all to participate.  Here is an excerpt from her blog...

"Bring your art journals, scrapbook projects, magazine clippings, collage work, googly eyes, etc. -- whatever you wish to affix to something else. This challenge is wide open to anyone who loves to cut & paste! No prompt or rulebook -- it's simply a weekly check-in to share what you've created..."

Talk about a fun way to get back to creating more intuitively!  I plan to partipate as much as possible, starting today!  How about you?  Want to join me?  Click here to find out more, and here to participate in week one.

So, that's it for today folks.  Thanks so much for visiting, and I hope you are having an awesome weekend!


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