
Monday, January 14, 2013

Here's my Creative Plan for 2013...

Hi there everyone!  I've been working on my journaling schedule for 2013, and I'm excited to share it with you! 

The way it works is that each day I've got a different project/journal to work on, and then the following day I will share it with you.  I've been meaning to do this since the first of the year, but time is getting away from me here! 

Anyhoo, here's a photo of my main projects...

I will go into more detail about each of these projects in their own post, but here's a little overview to give you an idea. Going from the bottom to the top...

The ring binder on the bottom houses my Life Book 2013 pages.  I haven't written the title on it yet, because I have a feeling it won't be big enough to house the whole year's pages.  I will probably end up binding it in a different way, but for now it's perfect.  The Life Book lessons come out once a week for the whole year.  I will be working on them on Tuesdays. For more on Life Book, click here.

The second book up is my Book of Days.  This is my main art journal, which is the backbone of my creative practice. I will be working in that journal three times a week.  Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.  The Wednesday page will be a Soulistry prompt, which is part of the Book of Days premium program that I'm participating in. More on Soulistry below.  For more info on Book of Days Premium, click here.

And then it's Project Life - and yes, my Seafoam Edition arrived today - yeayyyyy! I will be working on my Project Life pages on Saturdays.  For more info on Project Life, click here.

Above that is a Papaya Art Writing journal.  That is my place to take notes, paste in class materials, make lists, to-do's, etc.  There is no specific schedule for this.  I just grab it when I need it and write stuff down.

Above that is my No More Excuses Journal for 2013.  I'm excited to be doing No More Excuses again this year!  I took the No More Excuses journal class series in 2011. It's loads of fun, and you end up with a desk calendar chock full of doodles and scribbles and fun little memories of your year!  This year I bought the 2013 inserts. For more info on No More Excuses click here.

And finally, on top is the Soulistry book, which we are working on in the Book of Days program.  Soulistry is a book full of quotes and prompts and topics to reflect on for journaling.  You could totally do it on your own, you don't need a group. It's a super cool book.  I will be doing a page in my Book of Days journal every Wednesday. Here's a link to the Soulistry book on Amazon.

Man, now that I write it out, that sounds like a lot - ha!  But really, it's just right for me.  I love to create every day; and having these projects to work on gives me variety.  The schedule gives me something to look forward to on each day, and stops me from wasting time trying to decide what to work on.

So here's the overview:

Mondays - Book of Days Art journal spread
Tuesdays - Life Book Assignment
Wednesdays - Soulistry art journal spread
Thursdays - Open
Fridays - Weekly wrap up in my Book of Days art journal
Saturdays - Project Life
Sundays - No More Excuses journal

 I'm going to do my best to come here and share my pages with you the day after I complete them.  So now, I'm off to work in my Book of Days!  I will be back tomorrow to share!

Thanks so much for visiting!  Please feel free to leave any questions in the comments.  I will do my best to answer them in the next post.

Have an awesome week my friends!


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