
Friday, January 25, 2013

Excavating Hidden Treasures...

This week's topic in Soulistry, is "Aging."  To be honest, I didn't really want to think about it - ha!  Ever since my mom died, I think about death too much, and the subject of aging just brings me right back to the idea of being closer to death.  NOT FUN.  Part of why I loved last week's topic "living in the moment", is that it helped me stop doing that - thinking about death I mean. 

So anyhoo, I followed Effy's lead, and used the "pulled art" method of exploring the topic.  If you're not familiar with pulled art, it's a really neat concept.  You paint a messy background, and then look for shapes within it, kinda like looking for shapes in the clouds (one of my fave things).  Lo and behold, it lead to a spiritual awakening...

When I first completed my messy background I couldn't see a thing in it.  So I left it overnight.  When I came back to it the next day, I immediately saw an angel!  And then I saw a woman planting a garden! and then lo and behold, a big old RAVEN appeared right in the middle!  This was so exciting!

Here's a photo of the background.  I had just started to outline the images in white chalk...
 Can you see them?

Here's how it looked as I started to pull the images out...
 As I was doing this, it was amazingly enlightening.  I was thinking about the images, and what they represent, and it all made sense. 

Here's my completed page.  It represents January 23rd in my Book of Days...
 The woman is me planting seeds for change.  Always planting and tending to the garden of my life.  The angel represents how the universe has and continues to watch out for me, guiding me in the right direction on my path.  And of course, the raven is me!  Ravens are symbolic of creativity and transformation, so she fits right in with the theme.  Thinking about this totally affected my feelings about aging.  I am letting the fears go.  I am embracing all that is good and wise in me.  The best thing about getting older is that I am FREE to be who I really am.  What could be better than that?

If you are interested in learning more about the pulled art technique, check out Tracie Hanson's 21 Secrets workshop called "Journal Quest."  She graciously now offers it free on her blog.  Click here to go to the post.

More on Book of Days can be found here.
More on Soulistry can be found here.

Thanks so much for visiting my friends!  I wish you a super creative magical weekend!


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