
Thursday, January 16, 2014

Hi there everyone!  It's time for another Finish 'er Up Friday post! 

This week was a really busy one for me.  Between work meetings, and trying to keep up with my current projects (Book of Days and my planner); I only made a little bit of progress on my unfinished projects.  Here's what I did...

Unfinished Project:  Life Book 2013
Progress this week:  1/2 of a lesson (Ink Blot Butterfly with Kelly Hoernig)

Still to go:  20.5 lessons

Here's how far I got...

To be fair, with the amount of time I put into this spread, I should be done with it.  As you can see, however, I'm far from it. LOL.  I loved making the ink blot butterfly!  I followed all the steps for the background, but didn't like the outcome because my butterfly blended in wayyyy too much.  So, I ended up gessoing over the background, and now you can see my butterfly, but I need to start over and build the background again.  Anyhoo, it's not done.  But that's okay with me because it's more than I had done last week, am I right??? 

It's fun to make progress, even if it's just a little bit!

How about you?  Did you make any progress on unfinished projects this week?  Leave a link in the comments and we can encourage each other!


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