
Friday, June 29, 2012

30-Day Journal Challenge Update...

It's almost the end of June, which means the 30 Day Journal challenge is coming to a close!  While I'm sad to see it end, I'm also excited because my little daybook is almost full!  Here's another update...

Prompt #13:
"Who inspires  you?"  Janel is a reader and so journaled about a character from a book, but  I'm going with a character from a movie.  Do you remember Linda Hamilton in Terminator II?  Oh my word I thought she was so tough - I wanted to be her!...

Prompt #16:
"Imagine.  I am a total dreamer when it comes to life. I am constantly asking myself questions like what if the sky was pink and the grass was blue, all of those silly kinds of things.  Anyway, today is the day to use your imagination and imagine a world full of things you would like to see!"

Prompt # 17:
"...You can decided any topic or theme for your page just make sure that it centers around that special guy!!"

My daybook has a restaurant guest check sticking out sideways as one of the pages, so I decided to play off of the "thank you" that was already there, and make a little page for Michael...

Prompt # 22
What are some things that you are looking forward to?

Prompt #23 was a free choice page.  Janel did a page similar to this and I was so inspired, I decided to do one too.  I traced around Michael and my hands, cut them out and glued them on the page.  I totally tried to do the same thing with the cats - and umm, that was less than successful - ha.  You should of seen me following them around with a piece of patterned paper, trying to get ahold of a foot.  They were not having any of that.  In the end, I settled for cutting their paws out of a photograph...

I've still got seven prompts to do, including todays and tomorrows.  I'm going to see if I can finish this weekend!

Are you playing along?  If you are, how's it going?

Thanks for visiting!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Project Life - Week of July 18 - 24, 2012...

I didn't take a ton of pictures last week, and it was a very quiet week, but for me it is the perfect examples of how  Project Life can work anyway!  I had so much fun putting this spread together last night - playing with the colors and filling the little pockets with this and that.  Sometimes I think if you have less pictures, you can be more creative.  I think I have fallen in love with grids!

Here's how the week turned out...

Closeup of left side...
 alot of the embellies this week are from the old Love, Elsie Riley collection.  I scored it on the 2Peas "For Sale or Trade" board, and I am so excited about it!

Ephemera here includes a connector for a Reeses Puffs crazy straw that came in our cereal box, and a piece of one of Michael's shirts that we finally had to toss - I had to save a piece!  I included a photo of him wearing it on our honeymoon for reference.

 Closeup of right side...
 The image in the top right pocket is from a magazine.  Ephemera here includes the box top from my new Love, Elsie Ribbon package.  I used journaling cards from both the Cobalt and Clementine collections in the bottom two pockets.

That's it for today!  I hope you are having a groovy week!  Thanks for visiting!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A Color Palette...

I have the first page in my Art Journalista journal done!  Yeayyy!  We created color palettes!  I learned how to do this:

and then I created this:

I'm having so much fun!

I'm going to get back to work, and hopefully finish last week's Project Life before bed.  Wish me luck!

Thanks for visiting and see you again tomorrow!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

New Art Journal Cover...

I'm so excited to show you my progress in the Art Journalista Workshop!  I've been having so much fun!  I finished the cover!

This is what the cover looked like to start with (we used a magazine as a base for the journal)...

And here's how I altered it...
This is such a fun way to create a journal!  Teresa is an awesome teacher - so easy to listen to and follow along with.  For more info click here.

Is there anything more fun than starting a new journal?????  LOVE IT!!!

Thanks for visiting - it makes my day!!!

Friday, June 22, 2012

A New Card and More Journal Pages...

I'm so glad I found the Mojo Monday card challenge blog!  I've been needing to create some cards forever, and having these sketches each week has been so inspiring!  Yeayyy!  Here's what I made for this week...

Here's the Mojo Monday Sketch (#246)...

and here's my card...

I also did some more work in my 30-Day Journal Challenge book...

 I added more to my "Happiness is" prompt page...

and made a back side.  I had just made this layout for Scrapping The Music and it fit the prompt so perfectly, I decided to stick a photo of it in my journal - why not, right?...

Prompt #18 was to doodle on photos.  This one was EXTRA fun!!!  I used a combination of Pitt brush markers and poster paint pens...

Prompt #19 "Is there something else you should be doing right now?"  Here I used Amy Tangerine stickers and made them into little flowers...

Prompt #21 "What's your favorite story of today?"... A quick sketch of Wilbie relaxing on the new cat scratcher. Done with Pitt pen and colored pencil...

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Hey there everyone!  I can't believe it's Thursday again ALREADY!  How does that happen?  I guess time flies when you're having fun, right?

This week I've got some more pages to share from the 30-Day Journal Challenge.  I'm still working in my Amy Tan Daybook for these.  Here we go...

Prompt #7 Happiness is...
This was simple - I just busted out an old Sassafras Lass Journaling Sticker, and added some doodly scallops around the outside.

Prompt #11  How Do You Love?...
This was a fun one where you take a test to determine your love language!  If you want to check out the test - click here.  My minibook has an envelope stitched into it, so I thought it would be the perfect place to tuck the results of my test.  I decorated the front with stickers and markers...

and covered the flap of the envelope with washi tape...

Prompt #12 Favorite Places...
I turned the page sideways for this one, as the spaces in the bamboo patterned paper looked like perfect little spots to put my list...

Prompt #14 This is How I Role...
This is a list of the different roles you play in your life...

I'm still behind, but I'm having fun with it!  I looked through my pages, and couldn't even tell you which prompt was my favorite.  They have all been super fun!  If you are playing along, how are you doing?  Do you have favorite prompts?

I started the Art Journalista workshop on Monday, and so far I'm LOVING it!  Here's a little peek at how my new journal looks so far...

If you want to check the Art Journalista workshop out, click here.

Oh, and I just found out that the Happy Go Lucky Stitchalong Class (at Big Picture Scrapbooking) is 50% off until Friday!  It's an embroidery sampler class, and it looks so CUTE!!! I was tempted to take this class when I first heard about it, but figured I had enough projects going on right now, so I didn't sign up.  Well, at 50% off (that's $10 instead of $20), I couldn't resist!  Wouldn't it be fun to make embroidered journal covers???!!!  Eeekkk!!!  I'm so excited!!!  It starts today!  To check it out click here.

Thanks so much for visiting my friends!  I will see you again soon!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Project Life Catch Up...

It's been an eventful couple of weeks, but I'm happy to say I am caught up with Project Life again!  Yeayyy!  I've got two weeks to share with you...

June 4-10, 2012...
Lots going on this week, including my first colonoscopy (lucky me - ha), Noel Mignon's summer crop, and a girls crop day...

Left side closeup...
 The pink title card is from the Simple Stories Fabulous line, and most of the rest of the embellies are Amy Tangerine.

 Right side closeup...
The 6x6" slots worked great for this side of the page.  The top left pocket is all about my colonoscopy checkup.  I reached the magic age of 50, so I had to have one done.  My doctor called it a "Rite of Passage."  I thought that was a good way to look at it.  Anyhoo, the bottom left has ephemera from my monthly girls crop; and the right top and bottom is dedicated to the Noel Mignon crop!

 Moving right along...

 June 11 - 17, 2012...
This week included a family reunion, a trip out of town for a funeral, and father's day visits from the kids...

 Left side closeup...

 For the bottom two sections, I created a photo collage in Photoshop Elements, which worked great for getting a bunch of photos into a small space.

My fave bit of ephemera here is the pink post-it note that says "Shelley take me with you."  I got up the morning of my trip out of town, to find it attached to a banana on the counter.  I'd never actually been greeted by a banana before. :0)

Right side closeup...
I was working on the card-a-day challenge, and you can see some results of that on the right-hand side of the page.  I'm not taking the challenge too strictly, but I am trying to do more individual daily cards for my Project Life.  I think they are a nice added touch.
 That's it for now.  Thanks so much for visiting my friends!  See you again soon!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Good Life..

It's time for the new set of challenges at Scrapping the Music!  The featured song is a really fun one called "The Good Life" by One Republic! 

Here's my layout inspired by the song:
It's the simple things in life that make me the happiest.  This photo I took of Michael when we were on one of our neighborhood walks is the perfect example of why I feel we have such a good life.  To be surrounded by nature like this on a daily basis is pure bliss!

There's also a prompt to be inspired by a favorite summer song!  Check out the challenge by clicking here.  Come on over and play along with us!!!

P.S.  We've got something fun brewing for the Scrappin The Music Blogiversary in August!  Stay tuned for more details...

I hope you are having a good weekend my friends!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Playing Catch-Up...

Hey there everyone!  How goes it?  It's going good over here, but I have to admit to being behind on Project Life.  And some of the other projects I have going on. Ha.  I know I get in over my head sometimes, but it just all looks so exciting I have to join in, know what I mean?

Anyhoo, I am having fun playing catch up, and here's what I've got to share...

Mojo Monday #245
I had a lot of fun making this card, and took some liberties with the sketch this time.  Here's the sketch we had to work with...

and here's what I came up with...
 The little bird is from Little Yellow Bicycle.  I couldn't resist adding tiny red shoes with a paint pen.  The "Hello There" sticker is from Amy Tangerine, and the polkadot tape is Smash tape from K & Co.

30 Day Art Journal Challenge...

Prompt 8:
If you were able to design the house of your dreams, what would it look like?  

I put a little twist on it and went with "my dream decor."  I designed a little pull-out, and taped it right into my book...

I put in some of my fave pix from my home decor board on pinterest...

here's the back side...

Prompt 9: If you could scream something at the top of your lungs right now, what would it be?

This was an easy one, because my mother said these words to me the night before she died (unexpectedly); and I think about them every single day... 
 Mom was a wise woman.

Prompt 10:   Today we will make a list of all of the projects we would like to accomplish this summer. 
I already have a check-off list of projects I am working on, so I went with a little collage of some of the things I am participating in... 
I made the collage in photoshop.  I pulled the images into iphoto from the internet.  Then, I just opened up a 4x7" blank canvas with a grid in photoshop; and then pulled each of the images over from iphoto.

Also, I found another super-fun looking art journal workshop called The Art Journalista - check it out here...

I know I'm already involved in too much stuff, but I don't know if I can resist!  It looks like so much fun!

Thanks for visiting my friends!  I really appreciate you and hope you are having a fabulous week!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Monday's Meditation...

I wish you a wonderful week my friends!  It's going to be a fun one - Camp Scrap starts today!  Check it out here.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Noel Mignon's Summer Lovin Crop...

It was so much fun participating in Noel's Summer Lovin' Crop this past week!  I finished a few of the challenges during the week, and then went to my monthly crop with the girls yesterday, and was able to finish the rest there!!!  Here's how they turned out:

Monday: Jana's 90's Makeover Challenge:
There were a list of techniques that were popular in the 90's that we had to choose from.
The techniques I used were: paper dolls, tearing, hand drawn title, and flat sticker.

Tuesday: Noel's Summer Challenge:
We had to use specific things that spelled out the word "Summer..."
Here were the rules...
S is for Stickers, U is for something Uniquely "you," M is for Multi Photo, M is for Misting, E is for Edge "Work,"R is for Rub Ons

Wednesday: Gretchen's Sketch Challenge...

Thursday: Kimberly's Kit Mixer Challenge...
 We had to use specific things from more than one kit

 Friday: Virginia's Color Story Challenge:
We had a specific color scheme to follow.

And Noel's Bonus Challenge, was to make a layout inspired by this Beach Boy's Album Cover...

 These challenges were so much fun to do!  Noel sure knows how to host a crop!

I also want to mention two new fun things going on, that I found out through my friend Dawn (Thanks Dawn!)

May Flaum's Camp Scrap:
This is a FREE seven-week online camp with daily projects and fun things to do.  This used to be a class taught at Big Picture Scrapbooking, but this year May is hosting it for free on her blog!  It starts tomorrow!  Check it out here.

Card-A-Day by The Creative Place:
This is a month-long challenge in June to create a 3x4" card each day.  Perfect for Project Lifers, or those who want a little something to keep that creativity flowing as summer starts.  I am a few days behind, but I plan to play!

Thanks again to Dawn for bringing these two fun activities to my attention! 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Art Journal Every Day Update...

There's alot going on in my art journals and I'm excited to share with you!

First, At the beginning of each month, I make a divider page in my writing journal, by creating a little collage and tab.  I finished my June collage this week...

and Here's what I've been doing for the 30 Day Journal Challenge...

Prompt 3:  Use your name as an Acrostic to tell us all a little bit about yourself.

My page:

 I busted out my new package of good old-fashioned Flairs, and had a doodle-rific time!

Prompt 4: Go outside, set up a little journaling area, and see where your mind takes you. Journal it.

My page: 
 I didn't actually set up a journal station outside, but Michael and I went on a walk, and my plan was to journal about that when I got back.  Those plans got pushed aside tho, when a deer came walking into the yard!  Willie and I were so excited!  I managed to get a bunch of pics through the window, and got out my colored pencils and pitt pen to sketch him from one of those photos.

 Prompt 5: What do you believe in? 

My page:

 Here's how it reads in my mind:

I believe in possibility and synchronicity and the power of music to heal your soul.
I believe in friends, truth, peace, love hope, magic, miracles and music.
I believe that "I don't know" is a perfectly acceptable answer.
I believe that acceptance is the key to serenity.
I believe that love is the answer.
I believe in soul mates and forever dates and honeymoons every year.

as Michael would say "bam!"

Prompt 6: 
What does summer feel like?  What does summer look like?  What does summer smell like?  What does summer sound like? and What does summer taste like?  Use all of your senses to describe this wonderful season. 

My page - front: 

and back:

I haven't finished today's prompt yet, so I better get busy! 

Thanks so much for visiting, and let me know if you have any questions - I'd be happy to answer them!