
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!!! - It's Time for Project Life!

2012 is finally here and I couldn't be more excited about it. New Year's Eve is my favorite holiday, and it feels extra-good this year to be letting go of the current year and welcoming a new one.

This is my first official Project Life post - yeayyyyy! I've been waiting to start this endeavor for months now, and it's so much fun to finally get started.

Here's how my title/intro page turned out...

It was even more fun to put together than I hoped it would be. I loved playing with the colors, pulling things from my own stash to complement the PL products. I used the Clementine kit, plus magazine cut outs, rub-ons, stamps, and various embellies. I think color is going to be my driving factor with these pages.

Here's how my Project Life station looks...
The tall white organizer thing (I think it's from Making Memories?) on the left is holding the Clementine Patterned Papers, and other papers that I'm planning to use for this project. The little drawers on the bottom hold various chipboard and sticker numbers that will be good to add dates to the pages.

Next to that is a box (from Stampin' Up but I think it's discontinued), that holds alpha and number stamps, and various stickers and rubons.

The two tiny boxes are two sets of alpha stamps, and next to that is a Cigar Box with yet another set of alpha stamps.

Here's how I set up the Project Life Kit...
In front I have the official Project Life core kits. Cobalt on the left, and Clementine on the right. I took the cards out of their individual boxes, and sorted them by type. Journaling in the back, and filler-type cards in the front.

I tipped the box lids upside down and used them to store miscellaneous Non-Project Life journaling cards, plus labels and other doo-dads that I hope will come in handy.

I'm going to keep this set up right there on my desk along with my album, so I can work on it in bits and pieces if I want.

I will let you know how it works! If you are starting (or already doing) Project Life - I'd love to see how you are organizing your supplies! Please feel free to link us up!

HAPPY NEW YEAR my friends! Thanks so much for visiting my blog!!! I really appreciate each one of you!!!


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