
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Welcome Summer and thoughts on Balance...

Hey there everyone!  Happy Sunday!  I completed an art journal spread yesterday to celebrate summer solstice (which was on Friday).  Here's how it turned out...

While I played with my paints and papers, I gave a lot of thought to my word for the year:


I am really loving the balance in my life right now; although I must admit it's nothing like I thought it would be at the beginning of the year (when I chose the word). 

At the beginning of the year I felt like life was too hectic, I needed to balance things out.  To figure out a way to make time for everything in equal amounts.  I thought that was the answer.  I thought giving my life more structure would ease the stress of a busy life.  Over the first half of 2013, there's been an evolution in my mind.  I have realized that balance doesn't have to mean that all things are equal; it just means that all things feel right, and I am happy with the amount of time spent in the different areas of my life.

Way back many years ago (it seems like a whole different lifetime) I remember being up late (11pm was late in those days), watching a special on Neil Young.  I think it was on Austin City Limits.  The house was quiet and I was mesmerized.  I had been a Neil fan forever, but that night I found myself really thinking about him as an artist; how he had that one passion - his music - that he dedicated himself to, long enough to get really good at it; and how cool it would be to have a passion like that. 

Fast forward to now.  I am not comparing myself to Neil Young in any way shape or form - (he is like a god to me, when it comes to music); but I have a passion.  I love to create.  And I love to do it every day.  I love to spend pretty much all of my free time creating.  And contrary to my belief at the beginning of the year - for me that IS balance.  :0)  I may have laundry piling up, but maybe the answer isn't to do more laundry.  Maybe the answer is to have fewer clothes!  I spend quality time with my husband and family, I do my day job, and I create.  I prefer a small group of close friends to lots of social activities.  When I feel called to do other things, I do, but I don't want to feel guilty about spending time on my art anymore.  I'm working on that, and I'm making progress.  Yeayyy!!!

I will close with a video from the man himself, Neil Young - doing one of my favorites of his.  Needle and the Damage Done.  Check it out:

How about you? Who has inspired you? What do you feel passionate about? What does the right life balance mean for you?   I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Have a wonderful week my friends, and thanks so much for visiting me!


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