
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Evolution of a Page...

I tried a whole new way of painting this week as part of my "Radical Wellness" class, called "painting loose and free."  The idea is to alleviate stress by painting loosely, and not worrying about getting every little detail accurate (hence the name loose and free - lol).  Just layering paint until you feel like you are done.  I had so much fun!  I took some iphone photos during the process, so that I could share them with you...

We got to use a photo just as a general reference, so I used this one from pinterest.

Here's the progression...

At this point, she magically started to look like how I envision Bloedeuwedd to look; (she is the Goddess we are learning about this month in Moonshine)!  So, I started to work with Bloedeuwedd in mind as I finished the painting...

 Here's the finished portrait...

Then, as I was doing my research (on the web), I took notes on the bits and pieces  of Bloedeuwedd's story that really resonated with me.  Here is how the finished page turned out...
The portrait is done in acrylic paint, gesso and neocolor II crayons.  The journaling is done with Molotow Markers.

If you want to know more about the story of Blodeuwedd, here are a couple websites for you:

I can't recommend Moonshine highly enough!  I am learning so much, on so many levels!  I'm developing my painting skills, learning about the feminine divine, and also learning alot about myself!  It's great fun!  If you want to know more about the Moonshine workshop, click on the widget in the right hand sidebar. 

That's all for today my friends!  Thanks so much for visiting, and I will see you again soon!


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