
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Life Book 2013 - Do the Walk of Life...

The theme for January in the Life Book workshop was Celebration and Journey, and our last project was to make a game board outlining where we would like our journey to take us this year.  HOW FUN!

First we made goals cards.  I made mine out of miniature playing cards.  Each one is 1.5 x 2.5."

Here's how they turned out...
On the back of each card, I've typed my goals in that area.  The cards are painted, then stenciled with acrylic paint, before gluing on a stamped image.  The "balance" and "social" cards use Jessica Sporn's Cascading Leaves stencil; and the "creativity" card uses a chevron mask from Studio Calico.

Here's my completed game board...
The things that hold me back are in the grey boxes; but I've made a way to jump right over those hurdles and head on to my goals!  Yeayyy!

P.S. Where it says "embrace your swirly,"  that means my swirly (non-linear) brain.  Just in case you were wondering. (lol)


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