
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Book of Days Update...

I have the rest of last week's Book of Days pages to share with you today.

The first one was for the Soulistry series.  Here's the prompt we were working with:

"Nurturing your love is like tending a small garden. If you keep pulling up the plants to see if the roots are growing, you will not harvest anything."
                                        ~Lao Tzu

There are many ways to go with that quote, but I decided to go with my love of art.  Here's what I came up with...
One of the best things that ever happened to me artwise, was when I started to see my finished projects as having a life of their own, like children.  Seriously - however they turn out, I have to love them, because they are a part of me.  It may sound crazy, but it really got me past that place where I was comparing myself to others, or thinking my art wasn't good enough. 

If you ever worry that your art isn't good enough, I highly recommend looking at it this way.  Your art is ALWAYS beautiful, and so are you for creating it!

Okay, down off my soapbox and on to the next page! (grin).

This one is a reflection of my love for living in the city, followed by my love of living in the country.  I moved out of the city in 2007 when I married Michael, and I've done numerous pages about this change...

and finally, my weekly wrap up...

Started to doodle a face on a book page, and then extended it out onto the journal.  Just playing.

I didn't do a lot of explaining on these pages, but please feel free to leave questions in the comments if you have them.  I will do my best to answer in the next post.

Thanks for visiting!  I appreciate you all so much!


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