
Friday, November 8, 2013

Art Every Day Month - Days 5 and 6...

Oh my goodness the days just fly by TOO FAST!!!  Where did this week go?  I feel like I say that every week, but it's so true!  EEK!  Anyhoo, I'm still participating in Art Every Day Month, and for days five and six I've got some more work from the "Draw Your Awesome Life" class to share... 

Here's the two-page spread...

Detail of the left side...

Detail of right side...

It was fun trying all these different techniques!  It was all the same leaf; although as I went along the leaf was getting more and more dried out, which made it interesting.  :)

For more info on Art Every Day Month, click here.
For more info on the Draw Your Awesome Life workshop, click here

I'll leave you with a pic of the sunset over our new backyard.  I'm loving living in the country!

Thanks so much for visiting!  Have an awesome weekend my friends!


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