
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Spin Art Fun...

One of my favorite things at the State Fair every year has always been doing Spin-Art. Just in case you're not familiar, Spin-Art is done by dripping thin paint onto paper that is spinning on a machine. The fact that you don't have control of how it turns out if half the fun!

I was excited to see that using a spin-art machine was part of the fun in the Child's Play workshop. I purchased a kid's spin-art toy at Wal-Mart and was amazed at how well it worked! Here are how my samples turned out...

Oh, I should say that I didn't like the poster paint that came with the machine, so I used my own craft paint and it worked great. It just has to be thin enough to spread on the page.

The first one was done in just the regular way, with the paper that came with the toy...

Then I tried using colored cardstock for a background...

I also tried using some spray mist before adding the paint...

On this one I took a waterbrush to the green paint on the first layer to give it a different effect. Then added a regular layer on top...

Here's one done on a book page...

These next two were done by touching a paint-filled brush to the page as it was spinning. Topped with a layer of dripped paint...

Here I added some india ink to the page at the end...

This is one of my faves - it's a mini cupcake liner. I think it will make a great journal tab...!

and here's the whole lot of them together. Which one is your fave?

While I was feeling nostalgic for my childhood, I also purchased a vintage spirograph from 1967 off of ebay. It's the exact model I had as a kid! I loved that thing! Can't wait to get it. I will be sure to show you how it works!

Did any of you love spin-art as a kid, or an adult? How about spirograph?


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