
Saturday, April 9, 2011

New Funky, Messy Journal...

Hi everyone and happy Saturday! Last night I worked on another technique in the Child's Play Workshop. The technique was to emboss with gesso and stencils. For my first attempt I used some kid's alpha stencils and added a little apricot paint to my gesso. Here's how it turned out...
I decided my gesso is a little too watery for this technique. The word dream turned out a little muddied. For this page I still like it tho cuz it looks sorta dreamy - no? I might do a little scribbly outlining around the letters to define them more.

I decided I needed something thicker, so I found a super old (we're talking about 20 years - ha) tube of white paint that had gotten really thick, and used that along with a crafter's workshop stencil.....
That worked a lot better. The image is thick and crisp. This truly feels like child's play and I am having so much fun with it!

Next, I used Alma's tutorial and turned all of my prepped magazine pages into nice thick and messy journal pages. I sandwiched five plain magazine pages in between two prepped pages and sewed them up...

I'm so excited cuz I now have enough to make a nice thick, juicy journal! Here's another view of the stack...
I'm thinking I might bind them "Urban Journal" style with some more sewing.

Now, I just need to wait for my spirograph to arrive and I can do the very last assignment in the Child's Play workshop.

While I wait, I think I will finish up my Goddess Guides Page.

What are you up to this weekend?


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