
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Today is day one of the August Blogalong!  As I write this post, there are 81 people signed up over at Effy's for the blogalong, and I'm so excited to be one of them!  Talk about daily inspiration!   Welcome to friends, both old and new!

I will be here each day in August, with something to share - creative projects and process, organization tips, art journaling, project life, and whatever else comes up along the way!  I am looking forward to sharing this adventure with all of you!

I thought it appropriate to start the festivities with a giveaway of something that's been a major source of inspiration for me for almost a year now...

I'm giving away one spot in the current  

Book of Days Premium Art Journaling Program!

Book of Days Premium is described as an 18 week immersion in art journaling with soul PLUS a four week intensive in book binding and art journaling basics. Regular price is $99 but I believe in this program so much that I am going to pay for one of you to attend - free of charge! 

I would also like to add that Book of Days (BOD) is a great program whether you are brand new to art journaling or have been doing it for years. 

All you have to do is leave a comment on this post, about one thing that inspires you, and you are entered!  The drawing will close on Sunday night at midnight, CST.  The winner will be announced on Monday, August 5th!

But, what if I am already a member of Book of Days, you ask?  I HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN YOU!  If you are already a member and you win the drawing, then you will receive a free seat in the next session of Book of Days!

I will leave you today with a few pics of pages that I have made as part of the Book of Days Program. These are just some random samples.  What Book of Days has done for me is provide me with a structure and continuous inspiration to maintain a regular journaling practice; while at the same time, allowing me the freedom to continue to develop my own personal style.  What more could you want in an art journaling program, right?

 Thanks so much for visiting, and don't forget to leave a comment to be entered into my giveaway!

And also, be sure to  check out the other blogalong participants!

I will see you again tomorrow my friends!


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