
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

30 Days of Lists is starting again on September 1st! Are you participating? I am all signed up and ready to go! I still have a lot of room in the journal I started the last time, so I'm continuing on with that. It's the one that my sister Renee made for me. I added a title...

They're doing it a little differently this time. It costs $6, but they have set up a forum and private blog, and they are going to have lots of prizes! If you want to get in on the fun, click here.

I finished the monthly theme assignment for "No Excuses," last night. The theme is Travel, and the assignment was to do a watercolor sketch of somewhere you would like to go. My sketch is inspired by this photo I found on the internet...

I think the blue-footed boobys are so cool! I'd love to meet one one day! Click here to see more photos of them.

Thanks for visiting and I will see you again soon my friends!


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